Saturday, January 31, 2009

FDA Warning

FDA Warns Consumers Against Dietary Supplement Containing Undeclared Drug.

The FDA has recently posted a warning to consumers about diet aid products that contain Sibutramine. Sibutramine is described as a controlled substance with risks for abuse or addiction. It is a potent drug that poses potential safety risks.

For the complete information and web site links for actual products go to:

Tips to Help You Keep That Resolution

If you gave up smoking as your New Year's resolution and your resolve is starting to falter these tips might help you stay on track:

Remember that quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your own health and that of the people around you.

Make a list of the reasons you decided to quit and keep it handy. Pull it out when temptation hits.

Create a non-smoking environment at home and at work, and spend as much free time in non-smoking places (libraries, museums, malls) as possible.

Keep toothpicks, carrots, celery sticks, or gum on hand to replace a cigarette in your mouth.

Stay away from situations or places you link with smoking. Create new routines.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Bread and Soup Workshop

Bread and Soup Workshop - Saturday, January 31, 2009 at 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Nothing tastes better than homemade soup and bread, especially in the chilly winter months. plus, it's an economical and healthy way to stretch your food budget. Come learn how to make "Beth's Italian Soup" and focacia bread. You will sample the soup in class and bring home a loaf of bread. Bring a bag to carry home your loaf of bread.

1 Session, Saturday, January 31st at 8:30 a.m. in room 13 of the Hibbing High School.
For more information or to register call 218-262-0417.

Food Pryamid

Food Pyramid

USDA has released the MyPyramid food guidance system. Along with the new MyPyramid symbol, the system provides many options to help Americans make healthy food choices and to be active every day.

One size doesn't fit all. MyPyramid offers personalized eating plans, interactive tools to help you plan and assess your food choices, and advice to help you:

• Make smart choices from every food group.
• Find your balance between food and physical activity.
• Get the most nutrition out of your calories.
• Stay within your daily calorie needs.

For more information go to:

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Autism in Minnesota Survey

If you are affected by autism in the state of Minnesota, we ask for your participation in the following survey. The purpose of this survey is to collect data regarding various issues for individuals with autism in Minnesota. This data will be used by the Minnesota Autism Task Force to make recommendations to the Minnesota State Senate and Governor.

Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary and your decision about participation will have no impact on your relationship with the State. If you choose to provide contact information at the end of the survey, your responses will not be linked to your contact information.

We greatly appreciate your input. If you know of other families or professionals who may also be interested in participating, please feel free to forward this survey link to them.

Surveys will be collected on an ongoing basis until February 15, 2009. Please take the survey only once.

Take the Survey

Saturday, January 10, 2009

King Nut Peanut Butter - Salmonella warning

Agriculture, Health officials issue product advisory for King Nut peanut butter
Product contaminated with Salmonella bacteria was shipped to institutions in Minnesota

Officials from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) today issued a product advisory after MDA's preliminary laboratory testing indicated the presence of Salmonella bacteria in a 5-pound container of King Nut brand creamy peanut butter.

Read the entire news release.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Moonlight Skiing - January 9 -13

Have you ever tried skiing by the light of the moon? It's guaranteed to be one of your most memorable experiences. It's Mother Nature shining her best light upon you. Find out how easy it is to find your way around the Carey Lake Ski Trails. Body movement and layer dressing will provide your with all the warmth you need - even if it dips way below zero. Moonlight skiing is simply unbelievable!!

Ski on your own or with some friends. The moon will also cast plenty of light a day or two before and after the full moon dates. The moon is higher and brighter the later you start, 8:00-9:00 p.m. is a good starting time.

The Hibbing Parks & Recreation department grooms and tracks the Carey Lake ski trails and has rental equipment.

For ski condition reports and more information about ski rentals call the HP&R hotline at 263-9477.