Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Chips, Fries, Soda Most to Blame for Long-Term Weight Gain: MedlinePlus

It has been found that chips, fries, soda, and red meat are the main contributors to obesity in the United States.

Read the following article for the details:

Chips, Fries, Soda Most to Blame for Long-Term Weight Gain: MedlinePlus

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Snacking Totals a Quarter of Daily Calories for Many: MedlinePlus

It is o.k. to snack during the day but just make sure the calories in what you are eating (or drinking) are not blowing your diet. Try to limit your snacks to once or twice a day and keep them at about 100 calories. A piece of fruit is the perfect snack. WebMD offers other 100 calorie options.

For the recent study on snacking see the following HealthDay article:

Snacking Totals a Quarter of Daily Calories for Many: MedlinePlus

Friday, June 24, 2011

Hot Weather and Exercise

You may think it will never happen but we will have some hot days this summer.  Remember to take care when exercising in the heat.  It is important to drink plenty of water (nothing hydrates better than plain water), wear light clothing, and try to do that workout either early morning or later in the evening.  You should also be aware of the symptoms of heat related illness.  Keep an eye on your children also. 

For more information on how to be safe in the heat go to the Mayo Clinic website.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Good Sleep Raises Quality of Life, Lowers Depression: MedlinePlus

Everyone has different sleep requirements but there are broad recommendations for different age groups.

Adults/Older Persons: On average: 7-9 hours

Adolescents: 8.5-9.5 hours

Toddlers/Children:* 12-18 months: 13-15 hours
18-months- 3yrs: 12-14 hours
3-5 years: 11-13 hours
5-12 years 9-11 hours

Infants/Babies:* 0-2 months: 10.5-18.5 hours
2-12 months: 14-15 hours

*Total time includes naps.

Information provided by the National Sleep Foundation

You not only need to watch that you have enough sleep but you should also make sure you are not sleeping too much. Read this Medline Plus article for information.

Good Sleep Raises Quality of Life, Lowers Depression: MedlinePlus

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Taste of Home

Visit the library and look at the new June & July issue of "Taste of Home".  Check out the article on getting to know herbs.  Find out how to start growing these savory seasonings this summer and smart storage solutions so you can use them all year long.  There are also some great recipes such as the "Fresh as Summer Salad".

Find out how fresh herbs like dill, basil, lemon balm, cilantro, tarragon will add great taste to you recipes.

You may also want to look at the "Taste of Home Healthy Cooking" web site.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Advice for Parents

Many children and adolecsents today are overweight.  This can lead to many serious health problems.  There are some diets that can be healthy for children and that will prevent obesity.  Read about the DASH diet in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine and some other recent popular diets that may not be appropriate for you child.

Friday, June 03, 2011

Hibbing's Downtown Market Day

The area Farmers' Market is expanding!  In season, home grown produce, fruits, honey, jams, flowers, vegetables, all natural food, meats, and local specialties will be be available during convenient hours in the heart of downtown Hibbing.

On Thursday, beginning June 23 and running through October 27, the market will be set up along side of City Hall on 4th Avenue East from 3:00 until 7:00 p.m.

Check it out and support your local farmers.

If you would like more information on the market contact the Hibbing Area Chamber of Commerce at 218-262-3895 or email

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Rockin' For a Reason

Ever dream of being a rock star? Well, here’s your chance!

Get a team together, or sign up individually, and participate in this event for your chance to win prizes, including a "Best" brand rocking chair from Slumberland!

The event will raise money to
help pay transportation costs for cancer patients receiving radiation treatments at Fairview University Medical Center – Mesabi.

Sign up to rock in a rocking chair for one-hour and start collecting your pledges today!

Hurry and call 362-6771 to sign up!

Fairview Range has teamed up with CharterMedia and Slumberland in Hibbing to bring you a fun event called

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Slumberland in Hibbing

Visit for more information

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Children Need Their Sleep

Getting enough sleep on a daily basis is vital to the health and well being of all children.  Now a new study indicates lack of sleep can contribute to a child's weight problem.

Read this recent HealthDay article:  More Sleep May Cut Kids' Risk of Obesity for more information.

Use the following guidelines for monitoring you child's sleep:

12-18 yrs.  --  8-9 hrs.
7-12 yrs.  --  10-11 hrs.
3-6 yrs.  --  10-12 hrs.
1-3 yrs. --  12-14 hrs.