Friday, June 29, 2007

Summer Outdoors in Hibbing

Enjoy the summer weather and be active!

Kelly Lake and Carey Lake Beaches are open and have certified lifeguards on duty from 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. on days that are 65 degrees and sunny or 70 degrees and cloudy.

Municipal Golf Course is open daily. For more information call the Club House at 218 263-4720.

Walk or ride out to Vic Power Park and watch a softball game or two just about every night of the week. Better yet - join a team!

The Mines and Pines Parade will be July 14th contact the Chamber of Commerce at or 1-800-4-HIBBING to walk or have a float in the parade.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Weekly Newsletters

In the Fall of 2007 we will begin sending out weekly health tips. If you would like to receive these notices, please sign up by clicking on the "Weekly Newsletter" title.