Friday, February 18, 2011

Get Off the Couch Now!

If you plan on getting out and being more active once spring weather rolls in, now is the time to prepare.  Start stretching and getting into shape ahead of time to prevent injuries, sprains, and strains.  A checkup, improved strength, flexibility can help prevent injuries when starting a new sport.

Read this recent HealthDay article for the doctor's advise.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Learn More About Dietary Fats

Dietary fats are not all bad. They are a major source of energy and also help your body absorb vitamins. Fats make food taste better. Fats are not all the same and yes some are bad. Learn some important clues on how to tell the difference. Click on the following link for some authoritative information.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Portion Control

Portion control is one of the major topics that needs to be discussed when talking about weight loss.  Some suggestions for contolling the amount of food you eat at one sitting include:

•Put meals on smaller plates so that the portion appears larger.

•Divide snacks into small portions  - don't sit down with the whole bag.
•Separate leftovers into small portion sizes, instead of storing them in larger containers.

•Serve food away from the table, which may limit family members from going back for seconds.
•Eat meals slowly, and make sure they contain plenty of fruits and vegetables.

•Split orders at a restaurant.

•Skip the plus-sized value meals at fast-food eateries.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Healthy(ish) Marshmallow Cereal Bars

3 Tbs oil (use one with low saturated fats, like canola oil)
3 cups miniature marshmallows

6 cups low sugar cereal (puffed brown rice, puffed kamut, puffed wheat, Kashi, Wheaties, Total, Special K)

1 Tbs honey (keeps it moist and chewy)

optional additions:

3/4 cup nuts (slivered or chopped almonds, walnuts, pistachios, pecans, cashews, sunflower seeds)

1 cup dried chopped fruit (raisins, blueberries, cranberries, cherries, apricots, apples, dates, bananas)

2 tsp extracts or flavorings (vanilla, almond, maple, lemon, orange, cinnamon, anise)

3 Tbs nut butter (soy, cashew, almond)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Protect Your Child from Serious Injury

You may not believe it but Spring is just around the corner.  If you have children that play baseball or softball you will want to read this article in HealthDay News.

Young pitchers who played more than 100 innings a year were 3.5 times more likely to suffer serious elbow or shoulder injuries than those who pitched fewer innings, a 10-year study has found.  Remember, your child is still developing and the strain and stress could cause injuries that will plague them for a life time. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

One Last Chance to RSVP

Date   Wednesday February 16, 2011

Time  5:00‐6:00 PM Social   6:00 PM Meal & speaker

RSVP with selection:
Oriental Chicken Salad or Montreal Steak Salad

Location   Zimmy’s

Additional Info:  Cost: $17.00 Chamber of Commerce members or $20.00 non‐members

Join us for this wonderful event.

Healthy eating usually means what foods you "should" eat or what foods you should "feel bad" about eating. True healthy eating means much morethat just WHAT you eat. This approach, called mindful or intuitive eating, is an approach thatfocusesonWHY you eat and HOW you make food choices rather than just WHAT you eat.It's not a diet; it's a way of thinking;a way of living.

Dr. Jillian Lampertprovides nutrition education and counseling. Jillian is on the board of the Academy for Eating Disorders, and co-chairs its Nutrition Special Interest Group. She has authored numerous book chapters and articles on nutritional treatment of eating disorders, body image, sports participation and adolescent health. She completed her doctorate in nutrition and epidemiology, master’s of public health and dietetic internship at the University of Minnesota and a master’s in nutrition at the University of Vermont.

218-262-3895 OR