Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Healthy Recipes

Looking for new ideas for healthy eating?  Browse hundreds of recipes on the Mayo Clinic website at


Another option is to check out the following books at the Hibbing Public Library:


Fix-it and enjoy-it!  healthy cookbook:  400 great stove-top and oven recipes by Phyllis Pellman Good; with nutritional expertise from Mayo Clinic.

Feed yourself, feed your family : good nutrition and healthy cooking for new moms and growing families by La Leche League International.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Prevention Forum in Hibbing

The 2012 Fall Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug (ATOD) Prevention forums will be held throughout the state between October 29-November 30, 2012. The topic this year is Helping Children and Families Thrive: A look at the Adverse Childhood Experiences study (ACEs) and its relevance to community alcohol, tobacco, and other drug (ATOD) prevention. The ACEs is a source of data and research information that provides valuable insight into the affects of trauma and stress on children. This workshop will lay the foundation of the ACEs and look at what individuals, families and communities can do with this information in their substance abuse prevention efforts.

Participant Objectives:
  • To understand the existing condition of risk for our children and families
  • To understand the biology of stress and how we are affected by its imbalance (ACEs)
  • To value the time it will take to address ACEs in our existing adult population preventing transmission to future generations
  • To understand how we can prevent ACEs from happening in the first place individually, in our community, and in the greater society
The workshop will be in Hibbing:

November 27, 2012
9:00 AM - 2:30 PM
Kevin Spading
800-782-1878, x142
Related Link(s):

Fairview Plaza - Taconite Room
1200 East 25th Street
Hibbing, MN55746

Registration information is on the Minnesota Prevention Resource Center website.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Open House at Access North

Access North - The Center for Independent Living of Northeastern Minnesota has moved to their new expanded location.  The increased space and access will allow them to offer many more classes and groups.

There will be an Open House at the new building on Friday, October 26th from 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.  The new address is 1309 East 40th Street (at the corner of Hwys. 37 and 169 - the former UBC Building).

The mission of The Center:
"To assist individuals with disabilities to live independently, pursue meaningful goals, & have the same opportunities & choices as all people."

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Eat Healthy Over the Holidays

Tips for Not Stuffing Yourself Over the Holidays!

Wednesday, November 14th at 12:00 p.m.

Fairview Range Board Room (750 East 34th St., Hibbing - North Entrance)

Speaker:  Janelle Lund, Registered Dietitian, Fairview Range

Enjoy a healthy lunch and learn how to make smart food choices during the holiday season.

RSVP by November 9th at hibbcofc@hibbing.org or 218-262-3895.

Brought to you by Fairview Range and the Hibbing Chamber's Worksite Wellness Committee.

Cost is $10 for Chamber Members and $15 for Non-members.

Pediatric Speaker Information Night

An Introduction to Love and Logic
Love and logic provides simple and practical techniques to help parents change their children's behavior and raise responsible kids all the while having more fun parenting.

Presenter: Tesse LaLonde

Tuesday, October 23, 2012
6:30 pm to 8:00 pm

Greenhaven Elementary School Cafeteria
3rd Avenue East and 37th Street, Hibbing, MN

This program is free of charge but you must register to attend.

To register and/or reserve childcare (0-8 years) please call Hibbing Early Childhood at 218-262-6205 and leave a message.

This program is sponsored by :  Fairview University Medical Center-Mesabi, Fairview Mesaba Clinic-Hibbing, Wssentia Health Hibbing Clinic, St. Louis County Public Health Department, and Hibbing Early Childhood Family Education.

Have a Healthy Halloween

You want the thrills without the chills

Check your local weather report before you head out for some Fright Night fun, and be prepared to bundle up underneath those costumes. Dressing for the occasion will help prevent maladies like hypothermia , and will allow you to enjoy your night, no matter what the weather.

Lost in the graveyard

If you and your family will be participating in the age-old tradition of trick-or-treating, be aware of the area you'll be visiting and watch out for traffic. Whether it’s your own local street and town, or a theme park with family specials, getting lost in an unfamiliar area can pose a danger to the enjoyment of the evening and your personal safety.

Ghouls, goblins, ghosts, and strangers

If you live in a neighborhood, odds are that you are going to get some visitors this Halloween. If you choose to hand out treats and exchange tricks, be aware of the people you allow inside your home. If there are guests that are unfamiliar to you, hand out candy on your doorstep, and keep the night’s activities outside.

Check out these tips and more at the usa.gov website.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Apple Picking Season

If you are picking apples and need storage tips, the Minnesota Grown organization has the following tips:

Placing them in a perforated plastic bag in the refrigerator will keep them (depending on the variety) fresh for a week or so. For longer storage, you'll want to keep the apples in a cool, dark place with high humidity, away from other fruits. Placing them gently in a cardboard box is recommended and closing the top will help to reduce airflow (it does not need to be air tight). Remember not to try store apples that have bruises or bad spots. The decay will just continue and may spread to other apples!

They also suggest the following varieties for those late season picks:

Here are a few later season varieties:
  • Cortland apples are mildly tart.They tend to hold their color longer so are commonly used in fruit salads or fruit trays.
  • Haralson apples are tart.They are great for cooking and often used in pies.
  • Honeygold apples are sweet and crisp. They are yellow-green in color.
  • Fireside apples are sweet. They are great for pies because they keep their shape and don't cook down to sauce.
  • Regent apples are sweet. They are often used for pies, desserts and jellies. These apples normally ripen early-to-mid October.
  • Keepsake apples are sweet and spicy. They are great for cooking and normally ripen mid to late October.  

Tip for COPD Patients

Water exercise boosts endurance in COPD

At Risk for High Cholesterol?

The Cleveland Clinic says controllable risk factors for high cholesterol include:
  • Whether your diet is high in saturated fat and cholesterol.
  • Whether you're overweight/obese.
  • Whether you're getting enough regular exercise.
  • Whether you have emotional stress and turn to unhealthy habits to help manage that stress.

Lifestyle changes could be helpful.

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

First Steps to Parenting

Fairview Range is offering a free, two-session, prenatal parenting class.  Plan to attend around the 5th month of pregnancy.  During the sessions you will:

·         Learn practical information on parenting the newborn: car seat safety, soothing a crying baby,       pacifiers, bathing, infant massage, tummy time, and proper lifting techniques of infants.

·         Learn about nutrition

·         Making important decisions: breast feeding vs. bottle feeding, choosing child care, and parenting advice.

·         Hear an interview of a family’s labor delivery, and their first few weeks at home with a newborn.

·         Hear ideas on how to care for yourself as a parent.

The class will be offered 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. on October 9th and 16th.  To register for First Steps to Parenting call 218-362-6111 or online at www.range.fairview.org.