Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Look Good...Feel Better Program

Look Good...Feel Better is a free program that teaches beauty techniques to women cancer patients in active treatment to help them combat the appearance-related side effects of cancer treatment.

February 18, 2013
6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Board Room Fairview University Medical Center
(Use North Entrance)
750 E. 34th Street, Hibbing

For more information, contact Jackie Haigh at 218-362-6378

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Yum for Kids

Check out one of the library's newest magazine subscriptions.

The current issue which is now available features:

  • 40+ quick, healthy recipes your kids will love
  • dietician's picks:  healthiest kids' eat-out meals
  • healthy ideas for Spring Celebrations including Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter and more

Find "Yum for kids" in the children's area at the library.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

MCF | Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota's Center for Prevention Announces Grants to Support “Active Living for All”

Information for any group that is interested in fostering active living in the community.

MCF | Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota's Center for Prevention Announces Grants to Support “Active Living for All”

Water: Meeting Your Daily Fluid Needs

Water is essential for every tissue, cell, and organ in your body.  Water helps your body with the following:
  • Keeps its temperature normal.
  • Lubricates and cushions your joints.
  • Protects your spinal cord and other sensitive tissues.
  • Gets rid of wastes through urination, perspiration, and bowel movements.
For detailed information on your fluid needs and how to meet them go to the CDC's page on
healthy hydration.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Super Bowl, Slow Cookers, and Food Safety

Slow cookers and crock pots are popular cooking tools when it comes to meatballs, chili and other all American favorites. If you are going to use crock pots for various foods for your Super Bowl party you will want to check out some of the tips at Foodsafety.gov. For example, frozen food should not go directly into a slow cooker; it must be properly thawed before you heat it up.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Keep a Food Diary

The Cleveland Clinic suggests that it is a good idea to keep a food diary if you are watching your weight.  They offer these suggestions for starting a food diary:
  • Use a notebook, computer or other electronic device.
  • Write down what you eat and drink as you consume each item, as well as the date and time. Be as specific as you can.
  • Designate columns for when you ate, what you ate, how you felt and how much exercise you got that day.
  • Review your journal and analyze your eating habits. Look for scenarios (such as eating out) or emotions that trigger unhealthy choices.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Wash Those Fruits and Vegetables

Remember that fresh fruit and vegetables are not naturally clean.  They can carry residue from pesticides, bacteria from the soil, dirt from the transportation process, and dirt from being handled by the consumer.

So take time to wash those apples, berries, and carrots.  Don't just hold them under the running tap. Rub them under water, for example in a bowl of fresh water. Start with the least soiled items first and give each of them a final rinse.

Washing loose produce is particularly important as it tends to have more soil attached to it than pre-packaged fruit and vegetables.  Peeling or cooking fruit and vegetables can also remove bacteria.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Winter Sports Safety Tips

When the temperature dips below freezing, outdoor exercise may be the last thing on your mind, but winter sports can be great calorie busters and a good workout for the heart.

Prevent injuries with tips from MedlinePlus and Health Day.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Lifestyle Changes Key to Weight Loss in New Year

If you have made a New Year resolution to lose weight remember the best way to reach your goal is with small steps.  Small steps can help you finally achieve that elusive resolution.

See what the experts have to say at Medline Plus.