Wednesday, February 15, 2012

New book on "Wheat in Your Diet"

Dr. William Davis is Medical Director of the Track Your Plaque program and advocate of early heart disease prevention and reversal. He practices preventive cardiology in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  His new book (now available at Hibbing Public Library) is "Wheat Belly:  lose the wheat, lose the weight, and find your path back to health."

According to Dr. Davis
Wheat Can…
  1. Accelerate weight gain* as it is one of the largest sources of carbs.
  2. Cause Celiac Disease, nervous disorders, and other maladies due to Gluten.
  3. Accelerate weight gain* due to its high Glycemic Index (comparable to table sugar).
  4. Cause protracted sugar highs and lows (usually 2 hours apart) contributing to weight gain*.
  5. Cause inflammation, osteoporosis, arthritis, joint pain, etc. due to its acidity.
  6. Stimulate appetite, contributing to weight gain*.
  7. Accelerate glycation leading to accelerated aging, skin deterioration, acne, rashes, and hair loss.
* weight gain is a known risk factor/precursor for cardiovascular disease, Diabetes, etc.

Read Dr. Davis' book, discuss it with your doctor, and decide for yourself if cutting wheat from your diet is good for you.

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