Friday, August 16, 2013

Buy Sweet Corn

According to the  Minnesota Grown monthly newsletter sweet corn is now widely available and it tastes great.

The newsletter also states:
"Sweet corn can be prepared in many ways. It is commonly eaten off the cob, but the kernels may also be removed and added to salads, casseroles, soups, pastas and more. To remove the kernels from the cob, run a knife down the side of the ear. You can do this before or after you've cooked the corn. Sweet corn can be boiled, grilled and even microwaved. For boiling, it's important to remove the husk and all the silk. Rinse the ears before dropping them into boiling water for 5-8 minutes. While butter is a delicious topping, do not add it to the boiling water, it can make the corn tough. There are several methods for grilling sweet corn. Grilled Sweet Corn - most call for leaving the husks/silk on the ears, soaking them for 15 minutes to 2 hours prior to grilling for 10-20 minutes. For a tasty spin, try gently peeling back the husks and silk, coating the kernels with butter, parsley and Parmesan cheese. Then pull the husk/silk back up and grill. Experiment with other seasonings according to your tastes or accompanying dishes! Sweet corn ears can also be microwaved for 1-2 minutes and carefully removed.

Sweet corn is a fairly perishable vegetable, so it's important to take care of it. If you are not going to use it for a few days, leave the husk intact and store it in the refrigerator. Do not keep it in a plastic bag or airtight container. Sweet corn should be prepared within 5-7 days of picking.

Now is the perfect time to stock up since sweet corn is easy to freeze and will keep its "fresh off the cob" taste for up to 12 months. It's best to use a vacuum sealer or freezer safe plastic bag. Cook the corn first (boiling for 8-10 minutes is best), then quickly cool the corn by placing it in very cold water/ice water. If you'd like to freeze the corn on the cob, just put the ears into plastic bags or vacuum seal them, otherwise remove the kernels. Separate the kernels into serving size portions and place in plastic bag or vacuum sealer. Don't forget to label and date your items!

Did you know corn always has an even number of rows on each ear? It's true - count them (or have your kids)! "

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