Thursday, January 07, 2010

Is Fruit Juice Good or Bad?

A tip from the Mayo Clinic website:

Recent studies have confirmed that drinking moderate amounts of 100 percent fruit juice doesn't affect a child's weight. However, fruit juice contains calories. Just like any other food or calorie-containing drink, too much fruit juice can contribute to weight gain.

If you choose to give your children fruit juice, choose 100 percent fruit juice instead of sweetened juice or fruit-juice cocktails. While 100 percent fruit juice and sweetened fruit drinks may have similar amounts of calories, your children will get more vitamins and nutrients and fewer additives from 100 percent juice.

To ensure your children aren't drinking too much juice, follow these limits from the American Academy of Pediatrics:

Birth to 6 months: No fruit juice, unless it's used to relieve constipation

6 months to 12 months: Up to 4 ounces (118 milliliters) a day, served in a cup (not a bottle) to avoid tooth decay

1 year to 6 years: Up to 6 ounces (177 milliliters) a day

7 years and older: Up to 12 ounces (355 milliliters) a day

Four ounces (118 milliliters) of 100 percent fruit juice equals one serving of fruit. Juice lacks the fiber of whole fruit, however. Although a reasonable amount of fruit juice each day is fine for most children, remember that whole fruit is an even better option.

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