Tuesday, December 29, 2009

This Year Resolve Not To Put Pressure OnYourself

Stay away from New Year's resolutions and just concentrate on staying healthy.

Remember, you have a better chance of suceeding if you keep all of your expectations realistic.

If you sign up for a health club membership, try to take a class or do something you enjoy. Don't plan to jog for miles on the treadmill everyday when you know you will have to force yourself to do it.

Do you want to lose weight? Start off by cutting out some sugars, such as limiting yourself to one or two desserts a week, or switch to diet soda. Drastically reducing your calories and living on water and celery is definitely setting you up for failure. You will get hungry!

And don't get discouraged if you experience some minor setbacks. Life has a funny way or getting in the way sometimes. If this happens, the best thing to do is get right back on the wagon.

A happy, healthier 2010 to everyone!

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